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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/262
volume Number 12،
number In Volume 4،
issue Number 46
Historiography and History of “Feyz Mohammad Kateb” (Based on the ”Seraj-o-Tavarikh)
Omme Farveh Musavi, Hasan Zandieh(Author in Charge)
In this paper, Historical Perspective and historiography of Fayz Muhammad Katib (1862-1929) and his position in the literature history of Afghanistan has been investigated.
Serajel Tawarikh is a comprehensive history of Afghanistan that covers events from the time of Ahmad Shah Abdali down through the reign of Habib Ullah Khan (1862) and first year of empire of Amir Amanulla Ghazi.
Initially the biography of his life will be introduced and then historical value and Historical Perspective and historiography of Fayz Muhammad Katib and importance of Serajel Tawarikh and its most important feature which is the author"s commitment to honesty, integrity and reliability of information will be discussed. Fayz Muhammad Katib is known as ‘the father of the Afghanistan history’ and ‘Bayahghi Sanayi’ and Serajel Tawarikh is a comprehensive history of Afghanistan, is called ‘Omm ol Tawarikh’.
The three volume of Serajel Tawarikh were printed but the forth volume and some part of third volume weren’t available until (1390), so any assays and researches are based on the third volume, therefore it is necessary to an essay about Historical Perspective and historiography of Fayz Muhammad Katib based on fore volume, because the most his thoughts of Historical Perspective and historiography of Fayz Muhammad Katib is in the fourth volume.
Fayz Muhammad Katib
, History of Afghanistan
, Historical Perspective & Hist
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